Recent research from the journal College Teaching asks, how can we establish a comfortable classroom from day one? (Requires Campus Connect login). A proposed solution is to use a reciprocal interview in which the professor learns something about the student and the student learns something about the professor.
The IDD Blog posts on How Do I know My Students Are Learning?
The Encyclopedia of Life (EoL) continues to grow and is now accepting user content! The EoL is, “an unprecedented global partnership between the scientific community and the general public. Our goal is to make freely available to anyone knowledge about all the world’s organisms.”
Faculty Focus has great tips for setting the tone in an online course, time management for online instructors, and a summary of an article on reading assignments that encourage deep learning.
Carnegie Mellon has a great repository of sample learning objectives that spans many disciplines. Some better than others, they provide a starting point for developing a course, and we can refer and refine them as we write our own learning objectives.
The National Writing Project posts 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing.
CAUSEWeb posts a recorded webinar on Using Web Applets to Foster Active Learning in the Online Statistics Course.