Beloit College releases their Class of 2013 Mindset list.
Stony Brook University continues to broadcast their Innovations in Education television show. Interviewing faculty on, “innovative approaches and best practices in teaching, and applications of educational technology that have had a positive effect on student learning.”
The New York Times covers a report for the Department of Education discussing current trends in online education. They report that students taking some or all of a course online score better than students in a traditional section. Worth noting that the conclusions were based on testing performance rather than learning objectives.
US News and World Report visits DePaul and highlights our service-learning and community engagement.
Faculty focus writes on virtual teaching centers and using the syllabus to create an engaging classroom. The article on using the syllabus provides tips for how to present yourself on the first day of class and get feedback from your students.
Inside Higher Ed. reports on innovative classes at the New Jersey Institute of Technology that are teaching students programming on the iPhone.