Monday, May 18, 2009

Team-based Learning

A couple of weeks ago the New York Times posted a special report on a team-based learning program at Duke-N.U.S. Graduate Medical School in Singapore.

What is team-based learning (TBL)?  Michaelsen, Knight, and Fink (2004) define TBL as "a particular instructional strategy, not a series of independent small-group activities ... team-based learning revolves around the development of teams, a kind of social unit that is quite distinct from groups" (p. 8). Typically a team-based learning course is restructured into units that involve three phases:
1. Preparation in which all readings are completed and pre-requisite knowledge is
2. Application in which content is used to solve common problems
3. Assessment phase in which a final problem is given to solve as a team
(Michaelsen et al., p. 9-11)
Duke-N.U.S. is employing TBL to give students increased guided hands-on time in the classroom.  They use pre-recorded lectures to impart knowledge about course concepts and class time to develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of the concepts.

discussion of where the program is going and ongoing research they are conducting was posted by Dr. Sandy Cook, Associate Dean of the Duke-N.U.S. Graduate Medical School Singapore from the TEAMLEARNING archives.

To learn more about Team-based learning and about how to design a course with TBL in mind, visit the course design guide at the University of British Columbia.


Michaelsen A. L., Knight A.B., Fink, L.D. (Eds.). (2004). Team-Based Learning: A Transformative Use of Small Groups. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.