College Teaching publishes research on “How many Tests do we Really Need?”1 (Requires CampusConnect login).
The Teaching Professor provides 6 strategies to get students to read deeply. Reason number 5, “Perspective taking—If the readings themselves pull students in, engage them by challenging beliefs, proposing alternatives and different views, and offering interesting anecdotes, that engages readers and keep them in the text for longer.”
The BYU Center for Teaching and Learning has useful tips on how to introduce yourself and the course content on the first day of class.
Simmons College posts summaries of new low-cost technology tools and when they would be useful.
Focused on K-12 research, the Maine Learning and Technologies Initiative and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation are conducting research entitled Games, Learning & Technology Initiative (GLTI). Ruben R. Puentedura, on the research team, posts a number of Podcasts and PDF files on how games can be used in educational settings.
References and Notes
Kuo, T., & Simon, A. (2009, Summer2009). How many Tests do we Really Need?. College Teaching, 57(3), 156-160. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.