Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Over a cup of coffee: Thanksgiving week edition

The IDD Blog posts on Story-Telling Tools—Beyond PowerPoint. Inside Higher Ed. flips the object of study and helps us teach our students to be skilled self-presenters.

An article from The Physics Teacher offers suggestions on how to use quiz corrections to improve student learning.

Faculty Focus asks us to reflect on our teaching practice.

Congratulations to all faculty members on a successful autumn quarter.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Over a cup of coffee: November 20th edition

The Chronicle of Higher Ed. features this year’s Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education Professors of the Year award winners.

Both Faculty Focus and Inside Higher Ed. give advice on getting students to complete their reading.

The Teaching Professor discusses an idea for creating an engaging classroom environment: a course mini-conference.

Faculty members at Indiana University come up with new ideas for how to get students to assemble and interpret information like historians.

During the break be sure to check out the IDEA center’s POD-IDEA Center Notes on Instruction for new teaching ideas and strategies.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Over a cup of coffee: November 12th edition

Today is the last day to register for the Engaging International Students in the Classroom workshop. We're expecting a lively and informative conversation among faculty members, staff, and students.

The DePaul IDD Blog offers a couple of ways to get students talking in synchronous online sessions.

Faculty Focus also covers online learning and offers tips for managing large online classes and how to take a learner-centered approach to online classes.

The Teaching Professor quotes faculty members’ beliefs on teaching.

Tomorrow's Professor Blog, a collaboration between MIT and Stanford, discusses learning through structured reflection.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Over a cup of coffee: November 5th edition

Teaching Commons Discussion and Workshop Series final autumn quarter workshop:
Engaging International Students in the Classroom
Friday, November 13th 2:00-4:00PM, LPC Student Center 380
Engage with a panel of presenters discussing:
  • how to facilitate conversations between international and local students in our classes
  • how international students can enrich our courses with diverse perspectives
  • the unique challenges that international students present in the classroom
Register here.

The Vanderbilt Center for Teaching Podcast releases Episode 18 - Dealing with Student Misconceptions.

The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education unveils WikiPODia, a collection of resources for faculty members and developers.

ProfHacker provides advice on making group work more meaningful, not assuming students’ technical skills, and changing the way we give Powerpoint presentations.

Faculty focus offers strategies for making online discussion more meaningful and giving students effective feedback on writing assignments.